上海北徽实业有限公司坐落于青浦区,依托大虹桥便捷的物流交通枢纽,在同行业中能准确快捷的提供客户所需优质产品,拥有专业设计人员与施工队伍,一切为顾客着想,互利双赢客户是我司的上帝,一切服务以客户满意为标准。没有挑剔的顾客只有做不好的服务。 公司经营理念:客户的要求是我公司的服务标准。 公司经营范为:智能道闸 电动申缩门 橡塑减速带 铸钢减速带 反光膜 反 光衣 路锥系列 围栏 广角镜 防撞桶 水马 警示柱 警示胶带 标牌 路牌 护墙角 定位器系列 车位锁等产品! 橡塑类产品——广角镜、减速带、隔离栏、警示带、红白旗、警示柱、路锥、道钉、定位器、反光膜、标线带、反光衣、、车身贴、护角、路锥 、防撞桶等塑胶类交通用品; 五金类产品——车位锁、岗亭、道闸、路障、路桩、标牌、道钉、隔离栏、护防网、栏杆座、停车棚、 档车器等五金类交通器材; 电子类产品——指示灯、信号灯、应急灯、节能灯、智能道闸、收费系统、太阳能标牌、电子监控、 报警器材等电子类交通设施。   请您光临北徽实业有限公司实体网络一体店,产品齐全价格优廉质量可靠,根据客户需求可定做,从初次的合作望能成为的生意伙伴,真诚希望广大新老客户能给北徽实业提供好的见议或意见,北徽不胜感激,因为有您的鼓励与帮助我司愿努力变得更好,更好更贴心的为您服务


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    Our website has opened!

    Our main business "铸钢减速带;交通广角镜;橡胶盲道砖;防撞桶;市政护栏;警示粘胶带;遥控车位锁;警客来路锥;红白三角旗;隔离墩;盒装警示带;警示柱防撞柱" and other products. Company respected "practical, hard work, responsibility spirit of enterprise, and to integrity, win-win, creating business ideas, to create a good business environment, with a new management model, perfect technology, attentive service, excellent quality of basic survival, we always adhere to customer first intentions to serve customers, persist in using their services to impress clients.

    welcome new and old customers to visit our company guidance, my company specific address is: 上海市青浦区华新镇陆象村115号.

    If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can give us a message, or contact us directly, we will receive your information, will be the first time in a timely manner contact with you, we sincerely hope to cooperate with all friends, future hand in hand, sharing successful results!

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  • 冉伟
  • 13764297873
  • 021-31666189
  • 021-31666189
  • 201708
  • 上海市青浦区华新镇陆象村115号